It is our policy that children should wear uniform when attending Bridge Hall Primary School. The Governing Board agrees with the DfE which strongly encourages schools to have a uniform as it can play a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone.
The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faiths. It is the responsibility of all parents/carers to ensure that their child arrives at school in accordance to the School Uniform Policy. Should an item of clothing prove problematic for a pupil with disabilities, then parents/carers are invited to draw this to the attention of the Head Teacher.
We ask all parents/ carers who send their children to our school to support the school uniform policy. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork.
Parents/Carers should ensure their child has the correct school uniform, appropriate for the weather conditions and it is clean and named.
Uniform with the school logo can be purchased from the school office.
Uniform without the logo is also acceptable and can be purchased from large supermarkets such as Asda, Morrisons and Tesco.
We operate a 'pass it on' scheme. Good as new items of uniform can be donated to school and parents/carers can choose what is needed. All available 'pass it on' uniform is available with the weekly food collections. Please contact school for more information.
The school uniform is as follows:
Sweatshirts and polo shirts, can be purchased at the school office.
Embroidered jumpers cost £10.50, cardigans cost £11.00 and polo shirts are £2.50. Book Bags are £3.00.
Sweatshirts and polo shirts without the school logo can be bought from a range of nearby supermarkets.
A school PE kit is provided by the school. Parents/ carers should provide a pair of suitable plimsolls or trainers.
For health and safety reasons we do not allow any jewellery to be worn at school. Children may wear a watch, however the school does not accept responsibility for any valuables bought to school and advises that any possessions should be left at home. If your child does wear earrings they must be stud only and children must be able to remove them themselves in order to take part in PE lessons.
For health and safety reasons and to ensure it does not distract from learning, we advise that long hair be tied back with a plain dark bobble. Any plain clips and hairbands must be discreet and only used to secure hair away from the face. Large, colourful bows (including Jo-Jo style bows) and hairbands should not be worn.
Every child will be given a book bag when they start Bridge Hall Primary School. Additional book bags can be bought from the school office for £3.