At Bridge Hall Primary, our main aims for Literacy, are to develop an enjoyment of
reading and fluency and precision in writing. Our English leaders are Mrs Rebecca Sinclair and Miss Megan Smith.
We have developed a teaching programme for our children that helps them make progress in daily lessons, in stages that aid them to become reflective readers and writers. Our teaching programme demonstrates our knowledge of teaching the children using a variety of techniques that allow challenge and enjoyment to be experienced by the learner.
Phonics and Early Reading is led by Mrs Carolyn Whiteley
In September 2023 we began using 'Unlocking Letters and Sounds'. Please refer to the Phonics and Early Reading Guide
Each Key Stage 1 class runs phonics alongside Guided Reading and Whole Class Reading in order to help our children develop the vital skills in reading, especially comprehension, inference and fluency skills.
Key Stage Two have daily whole class reading lessons, where inference and comprehension skills are at the forefront of every lesson. All staff have been trained in a scheme called Leicester Inference which teaches the children the skills they need to be effective readers. The skills necessary are: Prediction skills, how to ask relevant questions, how to use their background knowledge, inference skills, how to visualise a text/scene from a book, and how to understand new vocabulary.
We have adopted 'The Write Stuff' method for teaching our children how to write. Please click on the link to see how writing progresses through the year groups.