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Bridge Hall Primary School Where Every Child Matters and Every Day Counts


I am Mrs Henderson and I am the lead teacher for Maths at our school.


At Bridge Hall Primary, we are committed to provide all children with a series of maths lessons each week that are designed to help them make progress in a series of small steps.  In each area of maths, we aim to improve their fluency and challenge them to reason and solve problems in a variety of contexts.


Our teachers use a variety of teaching styles to ensure they meet the needs of every child.  In each lesson, there are different levels of challenge and children have the equipment and apparatus they need, to help them make sense of the problem.


In addition to our Maths lessons, each class holds a Mucho Maths session every day.  This is a fun, oral session, designed to help children practise and rehearse key skills.  


Click on the following links to see our curriculum plans.

If your child needs help and support with Long Division, check out this PowerPoint.
