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Bridge Hall Primary School Where Every Child Matters and Every Day Counts

Parents and Friends of Bridge Hall

Our PTA aims to encourage links between home and school, and is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school. All parents/guardians and members of the school community can get involved, even if you only have a small amount of time available.


The PTA group meets regularly to plan and organise events but you can also help by volunteering your time during these events. 


Some examples of the events that the PTA have run in the past couple of years include:

- Christmas Fairs

- Summer Fairs

- Hot Chocolate Sales

- Discos 


The events help to raise money for the school. In the past couple of years the PTA has purchased and contributed to:  


- Taking the whole school to watch the pantomime at The Plaza

- Paying for coaches to support class trips

- PE equipment

- A memorial bench


If you would like to be a part of the School PTA, please talk to Miss Howarth or enquire at the school office.
