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Bridge Hall Primary School Where Every Child Matters and Every Day Counts

The School Day

Morning Club


From 7.45am until 8.30am (please contact school for eliglibility)


Class Breakfast


From 8.30am until 8.45am we host class breakfast in the children's classrooms. The latest we serve food is 8:45.


School Starts


School begins promptly at 8:45am = All children should be in the playground, ready to come into school.


8:50am= The gates will be locked. If you are late you will need to come around to the office to get a late mark.


9:00am= All Assemblies will begin at 9:00am prompt. Any late comers will not be allowed into assemblies.


Lunch time


Lunch time is between 12 noon and 1pm.


End of the day


School ends at 3.15pm


After school clubs


Begin at 3.15 - 4.15pm. Children will need to bring sports clothes to school with them in the morning.

