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Bridge Hall Primary School Where Every Child Matters and Every Day Counts


For an overview of what we hope to cover this year, please click on the link below.

Nursery Gallery

Expressive arts and design

On a daily basis we offer children the opportunity to explore and use a variety of media and materials. They are encouraged to select their own resources, make decisions and solve problems.

We offer many imaginative experiences such as imaginative role play areas I.e. home corner, cafe, hairdressers, vets, doctors, small world and construction activities.


Number, shape, space and measures. 

We ensure that mathematical learning takes place in all areas of our nursery through play.

Children are encouraged to count, estimate, recognise numerals, match numerals and solve number problems. 

We enjoy stories and number songs/rhymes.

we encourage our children to explore pattern and shapes in our environment. They enjoy lots of hands on experiences exploring shape, space and measures.




Physical Development

In Nursery Physical Development includes Moving and Handling and Health and Self Care.

We are very lucky and have excellent outdoor facilities including a large trim trail, field, large modern hall, forest

School area and ball skills.

In Nursery we work hard on developing coordination and fine motor skills with many malleable activities such as dough, clay, threading, scissors, goop and many more. 

Children are taught the importance of developing self care and hygiene. We teach them to independently wash their hands, clean their teeth and recognise the effects of excessive and healthy eating.

we enjoy daily dance sessions and love yoga!

we have milk and fruit everyday. We like to cook and try lots of healthy foods.

We also have visits from the dentist.


Understanding the world

In our Nursery we teach our children to understand the world around them. We provide opportunities for our children to explore and investigate how their world using their senses. This helps them to reason, explain and become problem solvers.

We explore people and communities, recognising and celebrating differences and ways of life.

We understand the importance of technology and our children have daily access to an interactive whiteboard, iPads, remote controlled toys and interactive toys. 

We also take care of our 4 chickens Lola, Lulu, Cybil and Sandra. We hatched these hens and our children see them as part of our Nursery!






Reading and writing.

Our Nursey is a print rich environment. The children have access to a range of books and enjoy daily story sessions. We focus on an author each half term.

Our children love tales toolkit activities which helps them to develop vocabulary and learn how stories are structured.

Children have access to a range of mark making tools to encourage them to make their own marks. These include pens, crayons, chalks and paint brushes.

 We encourage lots of malleable activities to develop fine motor skills.

We have daily letters and sounds activities to develop listening skills, awareness of rhyme, alliteration, blending and segmenting words.

Children are encouraged to share stories at home through our home lending library.


















