Bonjour et bienvenue!
Je m'appelle Madame Spencer.
Á Bridge Hall nous adorons le français et on l'apprend de ‘Year 3’ jusqu'en ‘Year 6’. Nous avons hâte de partager notre compréhension avec vous.
(Hello and welcome! My name is Mrs Wilkinson. At Bridge Hall we love French and learn it from Year 3 up to Year 6. We are keen to share our understanding with you.)
At Bridge Hall we aim to prepare our children for their future in an ever-changing world. Even if we never leave our home country, we are now connected online to countries, languages and people all around the world in our pockets and homes every day. So learning to understand and communicate in a second language, and understanding more about other cultures, are essential skills for this new world of instant communication, and we want to give our children the opportunity to immerse themselves in it fully, and have fun with it!
Learning a new language has many benefits for all learners across the curriculum, including improving memory and problem-solving skills, and even understanding our own language better!