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Bridge Hall Primary School Where Every Child Matters and Every Day Counts

Help and Support

Early Help

If you feel you have a concern regarding your child/children, there are a several ways in which you can access help and support.

  1. Talk to our Welfare Assistant or any member of staff.  They may be able to offer immediate support.  This works well for things like improving attendance or completing homework.  This would also be the first option if you feel your child is being bullied or is experiencing friendship difficulties.
  2. We have regular 'drop-in' sessions from the Early Help Team.  You are welcome to ask our Welfare Assistant for an appointment.  You can then discuss the problem with an experienced support worker who is not a member of the school staff.
  3. We have several members of staff who can complete an 'Early Help Assessment' and signpost other external agencies who may be able to offer help and support.  Staff who can support with this are:                                      Mrs Rebecca Sinclair - SENCO                                                                                                                                    Miss Louise Howarth - Welfare Assistant


The Multi-Agency Safeguarding & Support Hub (MASSH) is a partnership between Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council children's social care, education and youth services, Stockport NHS, Greater Manchester Police and the Probation Service working together to safeguard children and young people. We have a duty of care to the children in our school to report concerns in a timely manner and seek appropriate advice to ensure the safety of children and their families.

If you have any concerns about a child or young person in Stockport being at risk of harm, abuse or neglect, it is important that you contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASSH) on 0161 217 6028 and give as much information as you can. However, if the child is at immediate risk then call the Police on 999. 



EDUCATE AGAINST HATE is a Q&A resource to share with children and help protect them from radicalisation and extremism
