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Bridge Hall Primary School Where Every Child Matters and Every Day Counts

Message from the Headteacher

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you and your child to Bridge Hall Primary School's website. The staff, Governors and I are very proud of our school and recommend that prospective parents and carers visit us during the school day so you can see what a vibrant, exciting place it is.


Our school is well-resourced and offers pupils an engaging curriculum with a wide range of experiences, school visits and special events. We want our children to have special and happy memories of their time at Bridge Hall Primary and value highly the positive relationships that we build between children, parents, staff, governors and our community. Our school is a happy, stimulating and caring place and we expect high standards of behaviour throughout the school. 


Pupils take an active role in the life of the school. They are keen to volunteer for different roles within school, the most popular being the School Council. 


We have a lot to be proud about at Bridge Hall. An exciting, relevant and ambitious curriculum is delivered by dedicated and hardworking staff. We ensure the curriculum helps to develop aspirations, and everyone enjoys talking about our former pupils Phil Foden and Angela Rayner’s achievements! The school has beautiful grounds and large outdoor spaces such as a field, trim-trail and Forest School. We have developed our outdoor learning environments to provide an attractive and safe environment for all of our children to enjoy.


Our school is built on the three core values of Excellence, Community and Inclusion with the belief that Every Child Matters and Every Day Counts!


Mrs Alexandra Jamieson
