At Bridge Hall Primary we know the impact good attendance and punctuality has on our children’s learning, and we have many initiatives to support and celebrate attendance and punctuality to ensure it remains a high profile in school with our staff, children and their families.
Our attendance figures are continually improving over time when compared to the same period last year for both the whole school and for individual classes. This is as a result of consistently high expectations and rigour in monitoring and promoting good attendance right across school, and through swift and effective action to support and challenge poor attendance.
Attendance - Rewards
Promoting and Celebrating Good Attendance and Punctuality
At Bridge Hall Primary we understand the impact good attendance and punctuality has on our children’s learning.
We don’t believe in overly rewarding 100% attendance, as it is our expectation that children attend school every day.
We believe firmly in our school message “Every child matters and every day counts”
This is how our school is led and the ethos we want our children to become part of.
We have many initiatives to support and celebrate attendance and punctuality so that it remains a high profile in school and with our families.
To support good attendance and punctuality:
Attendance - Illness
If your child has a medical appointment or is considered too ill to attend school due to a minor illness you must contact the school first thing in the morning, before 9:30am, informing them of the reason for the absence and how long you expect them to be absent. We would require proof of medical appointments i.e. medical appointment card, medical note from the doctor or proof of prescription.
If your child's attendance is below 90% then it would be routine for our Senior Leadership Team to send out an attendance concern letter.
Attendance - Exceptional Leave
Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term-time unless ‘exceptional circumstances’ prevail. The regulations also state that head teachers should determine the number of school days a pupil can be away from school in the event that leave is granted for ‘exceptional circumstances’.
If you require Exceptional Leave:
Please visit the School Office to collect an Exceptional Leave Request form which must be completed in full. Please DO NOT book flight tickets/arrange travel until the Headteacher has reviewed your Exceptional Leave form.
Should your Exceptional Leave request be unauthorised and you still decide to go, you will be invited into school to discuss this further. We will ask that you bring proof of travel, medical information etc. Unauthorised Exceptional Leave could result in a Fixed Penalty Fine, and your child could lose their school place.
Attendance - Admissions
Parents considering applying to the school are welcome to come and look around. Please contact the school to make an appointment.
By law, a child does not have to start full-time education until the beginning of the school term following his or her fifth birthday.
At our nursery, we offer 3 intakes a year and we offer place for the free 30 hours entitlement, these can be used flexibly over the week. More can be bought if wanted.
Children who attend our Nursery are not automatically allocated a place within this school.
Our school does not deal with transfer to High Schools but we are happy to support you with the process
For more information about applying for a school place, please see the website