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Bridge Hall Primary School Where Every Child Matters and Every Day Counts

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 class page.


Our teacher is Mrs Sinclair.


Follow Year 6 updates on our Facebook page - Bridge Hall Primary School


Important Information for Year 6



A reading book has been sent home for your child to read.  He/she MUST read at home every day, including weekends.  Once they have finished the book they must return it on the next Friday so a new book can be given.



Homework will be set weekly. The children will be set work that they have been covering in class that week, or previous weeks. Children have been provided with Homework books that they can complete the work in.


For an overview of the work we hope to cover in Year 6 please click on the link below.

Key Information



Children will cover a range of sports throughout the year, both indoor and outdoor. Children must bring in their own trainers for PE sessions - these sessions change half-termly and children will be informed of the days. During the winter months, it is advised that children bring a jumper.


